Reducing kitchen fires through grease extraction

Insight from Gavin Richards, Compliance Expert, Indepth Services

Gavin Richards is Compliance Expert and Director at Indepth Services, one of the UK’s leading providers of specialist fire safety services.

Indepth Services was acquired by Premier Technical Services Group Ltd (PTSG) on 1st February 2023, becoming crucial in the Group’s provision of Fire Solutions (PTSG Fire Solutions Ltd is the largest and fastest-growing of PTSG’s five independent business divisions).

Here, Mr Richards gives an insight into why one of the most important ways of reducing kitchen fires is to prevent the build-up of combustible fat-contaminants within the non-combustible extract ductwork.

Compliance and safety are inseparable

My background in the industry started by setting up a grease extract team in the Netherlands to undertake the grease extract cleaning on behalf of a well-known fast food chain, including inspections at Schiphol Airport. I have taken the knowledge gained from the grease extract cleaning industry and applied it to our Fire Damper Division by guiding property managers and owners through their compliance journey.

Achieving fire safety in commercial kitchens

The Building Engineering Services Association (BESA) established a standardised kitchen extraction and duct cleaning system under TR19® to ensure that a defined, measurable level of cleanliness is attained to achieve safety and comfort in buildings.

The fact is that commercial kitchen extraction systems are either a source or contributory factor in a large number of fires. They must be kept clean to protect lives, as well as protecting property owners and landlords in the event of making an insurance claim.

How our FREE Kitchen Grease Extraction Guide can help

Our FREE Kitchen Grease Extraction Guide summarises the TR19® document, developed by BESA, giving readers a useful at-a-glance breakdown of the key points and benefits.

It also details how we at Indepth Services help our clients to achieve compliance and peace of mind all year round. Our services for ventilation systems include design and installation, inspection and testing, effective cleaning, documenting and reporting and health and safety.

About Indepth Services

Our former MD and now consultant to  Indepth Services, Richard Norman, is the former Chairman of the Ventilation Hygiene Group at Building Engineering Services Association (BESA). He has contributed his knowledge and expertise to the development of specifications for grease extract ductwork cleaning TR19® and TR19 Grease®, and VH001. Also, on behalf of BESA, he is one of the team responsible for updating the British and European standard BS EN 15780 which deals with ductwork ventilation in buildings, including ductwork, cleanliness and operation.

Our teams support schools, universities and other educational facilities, private companies, government establishments, sports stadiums and hospitals to achieve compliance.

Let’s Get Started

If you’re responsible for compliance in your premises, let’s talk. Call Indepth Services on 020 8661 7888.

Download Your FREE Kitchen Grease Extraction Guide here

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